Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day

Yes, today is Earth Day, and many places have enlarged on the idea to participate in Earth Week, but I'm leaning toward the campaign for Earth Day Every Day!

Look at this link for suggestions on ways you can help the Earth, and listen to the podcasts. I listened to the one titled "Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle" and made my Earth Day Resolutions.

My personal commitment is to Recycle more. We are pretty good around the house, but there are still a few things that slip through the cracks, mostly when I'm lazy. So, I'm going to try harder!
Also, I'm going to remember to take my own bags with me when shopping. I have quite a collection of reusable bags, but after I use them, I often forget to get them back into the car for the next shopping trip. I'm going to do better!

So, join me in celebrating Earth Day Every Day.

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