Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Cost of a Week's food Around the World

Ecuador $31.55 for one week!

Recently I received an e-mail titled "Cost of a week's food Around the World" which showed the amount of food for various families and the cost of that food. The cost for groceries for one week ranged from $500.03 (Germany) to $1.23 (Chad). When I tried to find where this information came from, I found it is from the book Hungry Planet: What the World Eats by Peter Menzel and Faith D'Aluisio.

The only link I can find to the pictures from the book that were in the e-mail is at the blog "Rusty Lime"
(I hope they don't mind my sending traffic their way!)
The first batch of pictures is shown, and there is a link at that blog to see the next set of pictures. It is very eye openning to put it mildly. Look not only at how MUCH we eat, but WHAT we eat. The higher grocery bills are mostly from processed food.

I caused me to really look at my personal eating habits. Yes, they are appalling, as I love bakery goods and sugar, and I've always intended to do better...some day. I believe that "some day" has arrived. I need to change my diet for my health, sure, but as a way to begin my humble attempt to help in the goal of eliminating hunger.

My intention is to change my diet and cut my grocery spending in HALF!! It is not going to be easy, but I'm going to try. I'll keep you posted!

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