The Nature Conservancy, working with United Nations Environment Programme has started a program to restore 25 million acres of land in the Atlantic Forest and plant a BILLION trees in the next seven years.
They need our help, and the help is easy to give. One Dollar Plants One Tree
I'm starting with 10 trees. You can join me in reaching my modest goal of 333 trees by clicking on the link and giving your dollar to plant a tree.
Yes, today is Earth Day, and many places have enlarged on the idea to participate in Earth Week, but I'm leaning toward the campaign for Earth Day Every Day!
Look at this link for suggestions on ways you can help the Earth, and listen to the podcasts. I listened to the one titled "Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle" and made my Earth Day Resolutions.
My personal commitment is to Recycle more. We are pretty good around the house, but there are still a few things that slip through the cracks, mostly when I'm lazy. So, I'm going to try harder! Also, I'm going to remember to take my own bags with me when shopping. I have quite a collection of reusable bags, but after I use them, I often forget to get them back into the car for the next shopping trip. I'm going to do better!
"There are no more excuses. You can now make a difference, with the click of a mouse." --- Kofi Anan, former Secretary General of the United Nations
Some caring person has taken their own time and spent their own money to create a site where you can click for over 30 causes every day! Some of these are already on the Click to Donate sites that I'm using, but many are new. Some are from countries that I wouldn't have found, as I don't speak the language. But this person has translated the site so our click can make a difference everywhere. Because there are so many sites, this once takes a little longer than the other Click to Donate pages.
This next part is directly from the website: Daily visits here would help your chosen causes more than a single visit, which explains the name of this website -
Note from the webmaster: I don't benefit in any material way from your visits. I pay to keep this website online. There's no advertising on this website that might help defray these costs. I don't ask for donations either. I script each page by hand, using no specialized software or programs. The point is -- I do this because I think it's worthwhile. If you think this page is worthwhile, please use it and share it with others who care. Thanks!
Recently I received an e-mail titled "Cost of a week's food Around the World" which showed the amount of food for various families and the cost of that food. The cost for groceries for one week ranged from $500.03 (Germany) to $1.23 (Chad). When I tried to find where this information came from, I found it is from the book Hungry Planet: What the World Eats by Peter Menzel and Faith D'Aluisio.
The only link I can find to the pictures from the book that were in the e-mail is at the blog "Rusty Lime" (I hope they don't mind my sending traffic their way!) The first batch of pictures is shown, and there is a link at that blog to see the next set of pictures. It is very eye openning to put it mildly. Look not only at how MUCH we eat, but WHAT we eat. The higher grocery bills are mostly from processed food.
I caused me to really look at my personal eating habits. Yes, they are appalling, as I love bakery goods and sugar, and I've always intended to do better...some day. I believe that "some day" has arrived. I need to change my diet for my health, sure, but as a way to begin my humble attempt to help in the goal of eliminating hunger.
My intention is to change my diet and cut my grocery spending in HALF!! It is not going to be easy, but I'm going to try. I'll keep you posted!
This is an idea whose time has come. I remember hearing how a small amount of money could make a difference to people, especially women. It wasn't until recently that I realized that I could participate and make a difference for both me and someone that needs a little help.
Here are four sites that are making a difference with Micro Loans.
GRAMEEN BANK is the work of Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize winner. You can hear Mr. Yunus explain his view on poverty in this Short film:
He started in 1976 with $27 from his own pocket. Now he heads a foundation that helps 6 million poor families with loans. They suggest multiple ways to help, everything from educating yourself to making a donation of time and/or money. Read about this remarkable man and his Bank at
If you want to see more of this unique man and his views, watch the Long film:
COMMON GOOD BANK has a motto that says: "If you could SAVE $$ and SAVE THE WORLD just by changing banks,WOULD YOU DO IT? You can go to their website to read all about it. They are planning to open in 2009 and will need help from many of us if we are going to end poverty in our lifetime.
MICROPLACE was joined by e-bay to create a place where you can earn a return on your investment and help end world poverty. This site is different because you are investing your money, not just making a donation. Their website can be found at
KIVA takes the microloan and makes it personal! Their mission is to "connect people through lending for the sake of alleviating poverty." Go to their website to find out how you can participate in loaning money to actual people, for a specific purpose. You can also meet the people that are both lending and receiving. It makes the world a very small place when you realize just how easy it is to help.
I know this is a lot of information. I've been looking, reading, and learning for a few weeks, and haven't decided yet where to invest my money. But I'll keep at it until I decide where to start, and make that initial investment. I invite you to join me!
I've come across yet another site that let's you donate for FREE just by clicking! The page to bookmark is
This one takes a little longer, as there are more causes to support with your click. They also keep track of your clicks and tell you what you have achieved with your support. It's pretty impressive.
In addition to the free donations, they have a variety of petitions you can sign to let your voice be heard. You have to register to sign the petition, but it makes it easy to take action and lend your support to worthy causes.
This site is large, and I've just begun to feel my way around it. But I thank the Gods that someone is doing all this work so that I can support the effort already being made.
It's also a way to "meet" people in discussion groups. They have over 8 million members at Care2Make A Difference, so drop in and join the community.
One of the easiest ways to help is to BOOKMARK this site, then click on this site daily. It only takes a moment to go to each page and press the button that let's you give for FREE! You can help fight Hunger and Breast Cancer. Make a difference in Child Health, Literacy and Animal Rescue, plus help save the Rainforest.
It may not seem like much to do, or much to give--but if everyone did this EVERY day, it makes a difference.
Since these sites started, they have really developed into something significant. If you click on any of the tabs down the right side, you can read what each agency is doing to make a difference in their special field.
Each of the sites also has things for sale. I order gifts from these sites all the time, because the money I spend there gives extra points to the various causes. Many of the gifts are original, affordable, and not your everyday sort of stuff. You can also send free e-cards. This is a card I made for YOU! Make a Click, Change A Life Your E-card @ The Hunger Site
Take some time to browse this site. Every time I do, I realize how very blessed I am, and vow to help make a difference for so many that have so much less.
For all of us that wonder if we can make a difference
How can I make a difference?
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem! I'm tired of being part of the problem, so my solution is to find some way to make a difference.
I want to make a difference in issues across the board: Hunger, Human Rights, Environmental Concerns, Animal Rights, Education, Green Issues, Peace, Spirituality....and more.
I'm going to surf the web and find people that are already doing things that I can support. I'll supply links to these sites and tell you what action I've taken.
What I hope to accomplish is to gain a measure of self respect. I believe in the 100th monkey effect, and who knows...maybe we CAN turn the tide, save the planet, and live in peace.