Sunday, March 30, 2008



Today I saw the documentary "Sharkwater" and it changed my life. During the course of the film, I totally changed how I think about sharks. They went from being scary monsters to being interesting creatures. I came away wanting to know more about sharks and what I can do to save them.

The movie was beautifully filmed. The underwater photography is excellent. We not only saw sharks, but all sorts of wonderful and unusual plants and creatures. When it centers on the sharks, and what is being done to them I had to cry. Partly from compassion for the cruelty being inflicted on the sharks, and partly from humiliation at being a human.

I've often been horrified by man's inhumanity to man, but when we start with our inhumanity to creatures, I am embarrassed to be classified as a human. Because we are only as good as our lowest common denominator, and that is pretty low indeed.

The line, "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem" came to mind, and I vowed to become part of the solution.

So, what CAN I do?

There are a number of links at the site. I tried a couple of them, and got signed onto a petition to put pressure on a company that sells shark fins online. I pledged to talk about sharks to my friends, and to learn more about sharks. I want to go further, and find ways to support educating people as to the non-value of shark fins. It isn't good as medicine, and as a food source--well, it's virtually tasteless. It has a status symbol value! The only way to get people to change, is to educate them.

This film is a beginning. Click on the link above to see the preview. Then, try to find it playing somewhere near you.

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